10 Ways to Fill Your Creative Cup Over Holiday Break
Start the new year feeling refreshed and inspired!
If you are blessed to have a job that allows you to take off from work during the week between Christmas and the new year, you know that it’s a sacred time. You’re free from obligation, there are leftover treats to enjoy, and most people are in a jovial mood.
But with this freedom comes pressure: You have a full week to do all those things you’re always saying you don’t have time to do. Don’t blow it.
I feel similarly on plans-free weekends. I get overwhelmed by the possibilities and end up in a loop of indecision, ultimately deciding to do nothing.
It’s the reason I started making weekend lists — to remind myself, “These are the activities you enjoy.” Silly as it may be, I find the structure freeing.
This magical week is a wonderful time to indulge, experiment, and dream. Whether you like to plot your time off, or see where the wind takes you, I hope that you honor your inclinations.
Here are ten ideas to inspire your holiday break bucket list: