It’s not quite officially fall, and Q4 is still a few weeks away, but one thing is clear: the end of 2024 is just around the corner.
It’s not time to stress. It’s not time to panic. It’s not time to feel bad about all the things we haven’t done yet.
At the beginning of the year, I did several January-type exercises like creating a vision board, choosing a word of the year, and making a 24 in 24 list.
In this post, I’ll be checking in with that list of things that January Me thought she might want to do this year and revising it to better match where I am now.
If you’re inspired by some of the things you read here, there’s still plenty of time to make your own 24 in 24 list! What I love most about this exercise is that you can aim to enjoy tiny joys or take big life-changing swings.
Before I jump to my list, two quick reminders:
Our book club theme for this month is Museum Stories, and if you’d like to share a book you’ve loved or love, that post goes live on September 22nd. It’s free to participate!
In celebration of one year of writing on Substack, you can save 20% on a premium subscription through September 12th and receive these two printable calendars for free when you become a paid subscriber.✨ Click here to subscribe and receive your calendars!
24 in 24 Revisited
Part 1: What I’m Keeping
These are the things I’ve either already done or am still excited to do:
#1 Attend an in-person professional conference, workshop, or event
I’ve been a part of a writing group all year, and it has been an essential part of my book-writing process. I’d love to be a part of something similar for creative development, podcasting, or maybe doing a one-off experience like a hand-lettering class.
#4 See six Broadway-style shows
This is happening! So far this year, I’ve caught productions of Oklahoma! and Company. I’m seeing two shows this week, and I think that leaves plenty of time for a couple more performances, especially since we’ll be in NYC the week before Christmas.
#6 Hang curtains in my office
Welp. I’ve had a box with a curtain rod and another box of panels sitting on the floor in front of my intended window for most of the year. I’ve just been too afraid that they will look bad, I’ll hang them wrong, ruin the wall, spend money hiring someone else to do it, and then hate it—all the things. This will be a good exercise in being willing to make mistakes to bring your vision to life!
#7 Take a wine or spirit tasting class
We’ve technically done a few informal tastings with friends this year, but I still have the desire to do something that’s led by a pro.
#10 Clean out kitchen drawers and cabinets
Halfway done! Just typing this is amping me up to tackle the rest.
#11 Visit the Academy Museum
Done, and then some!
#12 Finish writing my novel (ready to pitch)
IT’S HAPPENING. The second draft is officially complete. Still more finessing to go, but I’m right on track.
#13 Purchase an original piece of art
Not only would I still love to do this, but perhaps buy a few pieces, create my own, and frame and hang it all up.
#14 Learn to make sourdough bread
I keep meaning to grab starter from my sister every time I am up in NY/NJ. Let’s hope I remember this time.
#17 See movies in four old theaters
Got to do this twice on our recent LA trip and would love to make it happen again and again during our remaining trips of the year!
#18 Purchase new serveware, dishes, and glasses
While I don’t plan for a complete overhaul, I’d still love to incorporate a few special pieces into our collection, especially cocktail glasses!
#19 Four spa visits
Absolutely done. This ended up going in a different direction than I intended at the beginning of the year, but if you’ve been following along, you know I’ve prioritized skincare and treatments in a big way over the last few months and couldn’t be happier.
#20 Paint
I’ve dabbled (ha ha), but I have a deep desire to do more!
#21 See a live speaker or speakers on an interesting topic
I’ve been a part of a few adjacent experiences but nothing intentional, so I’d still like to figure out how to make this happen.
#22 Update my website
#23 Afternoon tea or apéro once a week
While this hasn’t been an unshakable plan on the calendar, we’ve done a lot of happy-hour-ing this summer while my in-laws were in town. What I’d like to be most intentional about for the rest of the year is to call it quits at 4 PM for some restorative time before dinner.
#24 Spend more time at the library
I’ve spent a lot of time using the library, but not a lot of time just wandering, which was once one of my favorite weekend activities. I can’t think of a better time than fall to bring back that tradition.
Part 2: What I’m Revising
#2 Run 12-24 miles a month
Ha. I knew I didn’t want to stick with this after my first run of the year.
Instead: Continue Heather Robertson’s 12-week 4.0 workout series that I recently restarted.
#3 Paint the house exterior
This one is getting pushed to next year. It’s a pretty big expense, and we just haven’t prioritized it in the budget.
Instead: Spiffying up the front porch with a new doormat and repotting my plants. Mom, if you’re reading this: help!
#5 Record a live podcast episode
I want to do this so badly! But I don’t think we are there yet, audience-wise.
Instead: Focus on the growth and quality of Film to Table + our upcoming series, Play Me a Memory!
Help a girl out?
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#8 Redecorate our bedroom
Time and money-wise, I don’t see this happening in 2024.
Instead: Purchase new bedding: sheets, a duvet, pillows, and towels.
#9 Hike or bike 48 miles
I’ve been extra indoorsy this year! 48 miles isn’t very many, and this can still happen, but I’m probably not going to prioritize it.
Instead: Bringing back our post-work walks, which have completely fallen by the wayside.
#15 Makeover back porch
For the same reasons I’m not pursuing painting the house’s exterior or redoing our bedroom.
Instead: Purchase a small game table for our loft area so I can use it to do puzzles and create art!
#16 Set intentions for every new moon cycle
This was great for a while, but I’m just not feeling it anymore, and I don’t think the moon would want me to force it.
Instead: Starting each week with positive affirmations.
Your turn
Tell me about some of the things you’re most excited about experiencing before the year ends in the comments!
✍️ Creative Exercises/Journal Prompts
If you could choose one thing to pursue for the rest of the year, what would you like to focus on?
What’s something you’d love to let go of and not feel bad about? Whats stopping you?
Map out three ideal days: one for October, November and December.
☀️ Five good things
When we can recognize the things that bring us the most joy, we invite more of them into our lives. Here are five things that made me happy this week. Share yours below!
Five good things that happened this week:
The second draft of my book is officially complete and in the hands of beta readers!
I made my Fall candle purchases and the house became instantly cozy. Here are my two favorites from Target: Honeycrisp Apple Cider and Pumpkin Woods.
My nieces and nephews started school last week and their first day photos just absolutely made my heart explode. I’m so proud of them and their enthusiasm to learn.
The influencers were right. LMNT Salted Watermelon hydration powder is delicious and addictive. I bought a multipack and that flavor is the clear winner.
I got a haircut and it felt so good to go into September feeling pampered and refreshed.
💬 Share your intention
Whether it’s a giant leap, a tiny to-do list item, a habit change, or something else, there is power in accountability, and this is a safe space to share your aim. Some weeks, we’ll fail, others we’ll soar, but with support, we’ll always keep going together.
Until next week, get out there and make something beautiful.
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Congratulations on finishing the 2nd draft—such a huge accomplishment! Isn't it funny how something as insignificant as a haircut can make such a difference in how we feel?
I am the same way about hanging curtains or other little projects that require precision at the end! I will get all the stuff and it will sit for ages bc I don't want to mess up lol