A storied history of my entrepreneurial romances
How to engage with your creative projects if you want them last
Being an entrepreneur is a lot like dating, but instead of Tinder, we use GoDaddy.
Just like you can get a good sense of someone based on who they’ve dated, I think you can learn a lot about a person by looking at the domains they’ve purchased. Which ones did they use? Which did they ignore? Did they go all the way with any of them? Were subdomains born?
In my journey through collecting domain names over the years, I've also embarked on—and abandoned numerous projects—too many to count. Strangely, these endeavors have often felt akin to relationships.
Consider the array of ideas you've engaged in: how do you categorize them? Which ones do you now regret? Is there the one that got away? What lessons can you draw from past projects to improve your future choices?
Though I’m a student of discernment and certainly not a master, when I reflect on my past projects, I can clearly see why some worked and others failed.
Nobody: “Michelle, you should write an article on the dos and don’ts of choosing the right creative project.”